8 (495) 645-09-81
бесплатно по России:
8 (800) 500-18-31
Время работы:
Пн.-Пт. 11.00-19.00
Сб. 11.00-15.00
Вс. выходной

FPV квадрокоптер GAUI 330X-S

13 000 руб.
НЕТ в наличии!

Артикул: GAUI210001


Самовывоз: бесплатно

по Москве: бесплатно

в Санкт-Петербург: бесплатно

по России: 600 рублей


1. Increase the current capacity (7A → 10A) to increase the ability of
transient response
2.The program of ESC designed for the multi-rotor model,
3.The control frequency of ESC up to 400Hz or more.
4. As the power of rotor responsive very fast, gain value can be  increased and the flyer will
be more stable.


330X-S Quad-Flyer

330X-S was designed based on UAV , which emphasizes the advantages are:
  1. Flight Efficiency: Standard Battery (2S2000mAh) time of flight for more than 12min, with a high-capacity battery, the flight time will be more than 20 min or more (available spreadsheet calculation)
  2. Excellent wind resistance: the efficiency and load of propeller are perfectly optimized, so the wind resistance will be better than general electric aircraft
  3. High stability: contains GU344 (three-axis stabilizing system) for the beginner or the FPV flying, it is a very stable Vehicle
  4. Additional payload capabilities: payload up to 700g (including battery), can freely install cameras and video recorder, and other general system
  5. System Extensibility: can be used with GPS positioning system and navigation system on 330X-S without any change
  6. Operation mode and flight characteristics are same as helicopter, but no complex transmission
  7. Collapsible body design, greatly reduce the damage rate, Which can be repaired easily without adjustment.

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